About Us

Our story

Two Decades of Passion for Renewable Energy

In our name i-EM lies the essence of our core business: Intelligence in Energy Management.

For over two decades, we have been operating in the renewable energy market, initially as part of the Flyby group and since 2013 as an independent and autonomous company and globally recognized.

We collaborate with both public and private entities during this digital transition, offering innovative solutions supported by a highly specialized team. We are leaders in strategic decision-making in the solar, wind, hydroelectric, energy communities, and trading sectors.

Our cloud-based solutions provide industry operators with the tools they need to optimize the management of their energy assets, thus driving the transition towards a more sustainable future.


Our vision is to manage the new energy ecosystem, including future Energy Communities, by forecasting the behaviour of all elements, including end users.


We create cloud-based solutions that provide a clear, comprehensive, and real-time view of the potential of the electrical grid, assisting industry operators in decision-making and forecasting processes.

i-EM makes the energy ecosystem more predictable and manageable, providing advanced big data analytics powered solutions for intelligent energy management of smartgrid, enabling the optimization of energy decision making.

Our products exploit a deep knowledge of satellite data, combined to data fusion and cutting-edge big data analytics technologies.

The main application sectors of i-EM’s solutions are: smartgrid management, renewable plants monitoring (solar, wind, hydro), assets management, energy forecasting and e-Mobility.

The Company’s innovative flagship solutions are smart, simple and fast, and help our customers to discover a new way to use and manage energy, all over the world.


Explore our solutions: solar, hydro, wind, grid, energy trading

Our presence in the world

Our Method

i-EM integrates Big Data collection with machine learning, leveraging the analytical skills of the company’s data scientists. Our specialists organize information, identify innovative algorithms, and develop specific models to solve problems and meet the needs of all users.

Machine Learning
Machine Learning (ML) models are our technologies core. They make possible to get data insights which human beings cannot reach on their own.
Data Management
From data acquisition to visualization, our solution’s cloud infrastructure is secure and reliable.
Data Quality
It is essential to ensure the reliability of ML model predictions.
Synergistic Approach
A variety of methodologies are employed to maximize benefits and facilitate understanding of analyses, even for non-expert operators in data reading.
Open Black Box
Managing the renewable energy ecosystem requires multidisciplinary skills; i-EM has always worked closely with industry operators to continuously improve its systems.

Intelligence into practice

Thanks to our expertise, industry experience, and a team of specialists dedicated to research and innovation, we have developed winning solutions to best support the work of our clients in the solar, hydroelectric, wind, grid, and energy trading sectors.


S-EM, Solar Energy Management, is a Software as a Service that provides real-time monitoring and forecasting for photovoltaic systems. Suitable for any type of installation, s-EM is intuitive to use.

Discover it now to optimize the management of your solar energy.


H-EM, hydro energy management, is a cloud platform dedicated to hydroelectric plants that provides detailed and accurate analysis, ensuring data quality and conducting performance analysis. Its intuitive dashboard allows easy reading for all operators, optimizing performance and maximizing the potential of your hydroelectric data.

Explore now how to optimize the management of your hydroelectric energy.


W-EM, wind energy management, the solution for wind asset management that maximizes values through big data analysis, machine learning technologies, and artificial intelligence, allowing operators to maintain optimal performance, reduce production losses, and improve maintenance and operations planning (O&M).

Discover now how to maximize efficiency in managing your wind energy by visiting the dedicated page.


X-EM, grid energy management, an innovative Software as a Service that optimizes energy, coordinates consumption, and storage from various renewable sources. Ideal for managing future decentralized energy communities and conducting advanced simulations.

Discover the optimal energy solution for you through simulations.


T-EM, trading energy management, is an energy platform designed to optimize revenues, manage imbalances, and forecasts. It employs advanced technologies and machine learning models to adapt to market variations.

Discover now how to trade in the renewable energy market.

Growth and Innovations

20 years of evolution


Flyby was founded marking the first steps in creating intelligent solutions that enable safer and more reliable decision-making.


Flyby ventured into the world of photovoltaics, giving life to the first prototype of s-EM.


i-EM was born, the Flyby spin-off company dedicated to energy management.


i-EM joined as an expert forecasting company in IEA PVPS, developing t-EM.


i-EM initiated annual certification with SGS.


i-EM participated in EU PVSEC.


The introduction of h-EM for the hydroelectric sector.


The opening of i-EM SAT in the UK and our entry into the IESA India Energy Storage Alliance.


x-EM was successfully presented at EM-Power, and we joined the smartEN association.


We achieved the recognition of Solar Management Best Practices Mark, an excellence award in solar.

Our team

i-EM people make i-EM as it is. The team is made up of a different set of individuals and talents. We appreciate people for their being unique and we value the wealth of knowledge they bring. We promote professionalism and individual development, guaranteeing continuous opportunities to learn and grow.

Developing services that promote energy awareness among operators and communities, as well as making our technology and expertise available for the energy transition, is a source of pride. Our solutions, although they may seem “just” a dashboard or an interactive interface, represent a vehicle for fostering a cultural shift in data usage.

Ciro Lanzetta


20 years of evolution

Growth and Innovations