i-EM, meeting point between excellence of the territory

Apr 26, 2022

i-EM with FlySight and siHealth, the other companies of the Flyby group, are representing a meeting point between the brains of excellence of the Tuscan territory and not only.

It was the anchor to stimulate the interest of the Tuscan newspaper Il Tirreno, who wrote an article about it in the Sunday edition, paper and digital too.

i-EM, the commitment to new renewable energies

Since 2014 our company places its headquarters in a strategic point of the city of Livorno, Tuscany. Very close to the railway station that connects Livorno to the cities of Pisa and Florence.

Western Tuscany is a fertile ground for young talents, thanks to Pisa and Florence  Universities, National Research Council (CNR) and to the Italian Navy Research Institute. Our company tries to be not only a bridge between these realities, but also a landing and meeting point for eager engineers and scientists.

Every day our multi-disciplinary expertise work closely together and tackle the challenges they encounter with passion for technology innovation and for the preservation of Earth’s energy resources.

We are always looking for talent  to help our customers to discover a new way to use and manage energy. 

If you are interested in joining the I-EM team, check out our vacant positions here.

Flyby Group, digital cognitive solutions tailored to hit all customers targets

In 2001 in a garage of Livorno (Italy) Dr Emilio Simeone, a passionate applied physicist, founded Flyby. Quickly, he involved other young IT and remote sensing engineers sharing the same idea of exploiting imagery for supporting human decisions in real-time.

Today Flyby operates worldwide, furnishing advanced software solutions in three main business areas: Defence & Security, Energy and Healthcare.

From Italy (Livorno and Turin) and the UK (Harwell Campus – Oxfordshire), Flyby Group offers special customised solutions, easily integrated in the IT systems to numerous companies and B2B.

The mindful usage of ultimate technologies and 20 years of experience in data analysis and advanced processing techniques made Flyby the core partner of all the companies which demand the highest level of innovation and the minimum time-to-market.
