NREL Best Practices Handbook for the Collection and Use of Solar Resource Data for Solar Energy Applications

Apr 27, 2021

AUTHORS Elke Lorenz, Jose Antonio Ruiz-Arias, Luis Martin, Stefan Wilbert, Carmen Köhler, Rafael Fritz, Alessandro Betti, Philippe Lauret, Mathieu David, Jing Huang, Richard, Perez, Andreas Kazantzidis, Ping Wang, and Yves-Marie Saint-Drenan1 ABSTRACT Solar resource forecasting is critical for the operation and management of solar power plants and electric grids. Solar radiation is highly variable because it is driven mainly by synoptic and local weather patterns. This high variability presents challenges to meeting power production and demand curves, notably in the case of solar photovoltaic (PV) power plants, which have little or no storage capacity. For concentrating solar power (CSP) plants, variability issues are partially mitigated by the thermal inertia of the plant, including its heat transfer fluid, heat exchangers, turbines, and potentially coupling with a heat storage facility; however, temporally and spatially varying irradiance introduces thermal stress in critical system components and plant management issues that can result in the degradation of the overall system’s performance and reduction of the plant’s lifetime. The variability can also result in lower plant efficiencies than those that occur under operation in stable conditions because optimally operating the plant under variable conditions is significantly more challenging. For PV power plants that have battery storage, forecasts are helpful for scheduling the charging process of the batteries at the most appropriate time, optimizing the fractions of electricity delivered and stored at any instant, and thus avoiding the loss of usable energy.

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One year Operation of an Innovative Condition Monitoring Technique in Four Hydropower Plants

One year Operation of an Innovative Condition Monitoring Technique in Four Hydropower Plants

Lorenzo Gigoni, Alessandro Betti, Emanuele Crisostomi, Alessandro Franco, Mauro Tucci, Fabrizio Bizzarri and Debora Mucci.
The ability to accurately forecast power generation from renewable sources is nowadays recognized as a fundamental skill to improve the operation of power systems. Despite the general interest of the power community in this topic, it is not always simple to compare different forecasting methodologies, and infer the impact of single components in providing accurate predictions. In this paper, we extensively compare simple forecasting methodologies with more sophisticated ones over 32 photovoltaic (PV) plants of different sizes and technology over a whole year. Also, we try to evaluate the impact of weather conditions and weather forecasts on the prediction of PV power generation.

Web tools concerning performance analysis and planning support for solar energy plants starting from remotely sensed optical images

Web tools concerning performance analysis and planning support for solar energy plants starting from remotely sensed optical images

Lorenzo Gigoni, Alessandro Betti, Emanuele Crisostomi, Alessandro Franco, Mauro Tucci, Fabrizio Bizzarri and Debora Mucci.
The ability to accurately forecast power generation from renewable sources is nowadays recognized as a fundamental skill to improve the operation of power systems. Despite the general interest of the power community in this topic, it is not always simple to compare different forecasting methodologies, and infer the impact of single components in providing accurate predictions. In this paper, we extensively compare simple forecasting methodologies with more sophisticated ones over 32 photovoltaic (PV) plants of different sizes and technology over a whole year. Also, we try to evaluate the impact of weather conditions and weather forecasts on the prediction of PV power generation.

Condition monitoring and early diagnostics methodologies for hydropower plants

Condition monitoring and early diagnostics methodologies for hydropower plants

Alessandro Betti, Emanuele Crisostomi, Gianluca Paolinelli, Antonio Piazzi, Fabrizio Ruffini and Mauro Tucci.
Hydropower plants are one of the most convenient option for power generation, as they generate energy exploiting a renewable source, they have relatively low operating and maintenance costs, and they may be used to provide ancillary services, exploiting the large reservoirs of available water. The recent advances in Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) and in machine learning methodologies are seen as fundamental enablers to upgrade and modernize the current operation of most hydropower plants, in terms of condition monitoring, early diagnostics and eventually predictive maintenance. While very few works, or running technologies, have been documented so far for the hydro case, in this paper we propose a novel Key Performance Indicator (KPI) that we have recently developed and tested on operating hydropower plants. In particular, we show that after more than one year of operation it has been able to identify several faults, and to support the operation and maintenance tasks of plant operators. Also we show that the proposed KPI outperforms conventional multivariable process control charts, like the Hotelling t2 index.

MOWGLI (MicrO reneWable Grid for ruraL Indian areas) project on ETN magazine

MOWGLI (MicrO reneWable Grid for ruraL Indian areas) project on ETN magazine

Ciro Lanzetta and Fabrizio Ruffini.
The Mowgli feasibility study started in 2018 funded by the European Space Agency (ESA) with the involvement of the India Energy Storage Alliance (IESA) as stakeholder. The aim is to evaluate the technical and economic feasibility of satellite-based services for microgrids. Designed by i-EM, Mowgli is a solution that provides a set of services for optimal microgrid planning, designing and operational and maintenance (O&M) applications in urban and rural areas developing countries, with focus on India as a user case.

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