The real-time service able to continuously monitor the current status of the plant and perform the real-time failure prediction.
The I-EM’s system PREDICO is able to predict inverter faults status before they actually occur, allowing the customer to take actions to reduce plant under performances.
Key features
> Event Detection – prediction of inverter deviations from nominal behavior
> Advanced Fault Recognition – prediction of a specific class of faults
Key benefit
> Keep optimal performances of PV plants over time
> Avoid Loss production period
> Allow efficient O&M procedure planning
The i-EM’s predictive maintenance service is based on efficient combination of Advanced Artificial Intelligence algorithms.
Output interface
> Different warning levels (green, yellow, orange and red) corresponding to 4 different inverter fault severities
> Quality Index trend warning time-evolution and corresponding inverter errors
> Fault class and severity of the inverter alarm
> Action-to-solve (if available from inverter manufacturer)
The service is highly customized on customer’s plant characteristic.
> Inverter technology and Plant Configuration represent relevant input of the model ensuring customized solution to customer plant.
> Historical manual and automatic alarms logbook-based models training ensures to follow customers’ plant specific behavior
The PREDICO Service reliability has been widley assessed through the whole software development cycle as well as during the real-time services to customers.
The performance are continuously assessed by mean of the usual classification metrics such as Sensitivity, Specificity, Accuracy and ROC curve.
i-EM solutions are completely customizable on demand and are provided as Platform as a Service (PaaS)