WCPEC-8, The 8th World Conference on Photovoltaic Energy Conversion will take place from 26 – 30 September 2022 in Milano, at MiCo and i-EM will be present with a booth and a visual presentation entitled “Deep Learning Methods for Solar Power Plants nowcasting Systems for Grid-stability and Energy Market Operations”.
At booth B5 i-EM data scientists will provide visitors with live demonstrations of digital solar energy management solutions s-EM.
Our Head of Data Science, Antonio Piazzi, is ready to deepen his article “Deep Learning Methods for Solar Power Plants nowcasting Systems for Grid-stability and Energy Market Operations” – the appointment will be Tuesday, 27 September 15:15 – 16:45 | Visual Presentation 4BV.4.9 – Abstract No. 1527.
Networking with i-EM continues, if you want to book a meeting with us, get in touch now!
Learn more about s-EM

x-EM simulates and manages the Grid Edge.
x-EM is the solution for Commercial & Industrial prosumers (C&I) Balance Service Providers (BSP) and Distributor System Operators (DSO) for the simulation and management of the Grid Edge.
x-EM supports BSP and C&I for the plan and management of microgrid protfolio on the local DSO node.