Solar Energy Management Apps – Maximising the Benefits of Solar

Mar 20, 2023

As more and more people recognise the environmental dangers of continuing to rely on fossil fuels, greater investment is being channelled into renewable energy sources. Most notably, solar energy. Solar is clean, cost-effective, and much of the energy infrastructure required is readily available.

As solar energy systems become more popular, the demand for applications that help manage these systems has also increased. These applications enable users and organisations to monitor the performance of their solar energy systems, track energy production and consumption, and identify potential issues. So what do these management and monitoring systems do? And how do they benefit solar power consumers?

The benefits of energy self-sufficiency

Solar energy management apps give users greater control over (and insight into) their energy systems. In turn, this allows for greater self-sufficiency. But why is self-sufficiency beneficial?

  1. Energy security – self-sufficiency reduces the risks associated with dependency on third-party actors. It insulates you against price hikes, shortages and service disruptions, ensuring you receive energy at an affordable price whenever you need it.
  2. Economic benefits – energy self-sufficiency means you supply your own energy and can cut out the intermediaries whose services increase energy costs.
  3. Environmental benefits – if your energy needs are met by solar, you are doing your bit to protect the environment. While this benefits society as a whole, it also benefits organisations’ reputations and builds consumer trust.

How solar energy management apps help

To maximise the benefits associated with solar energy systems, individuals and organisations must be able to monitor their energy production and consumption in real time. Knowledge is power. And we all require detailed information to make informed decisions concerning solar energy production.

Solar energy management apps provide users with that real-time data, providing you with an insight that allows them to analyse performance and optimise the system. Apps can identify issues and provide information that helps you improve energy production (by altering the position of solar panels or removing obstructions, for instance).

Alarms and notifications keep you informed

The alarms and notifications system is a core feature in advanced solar energy management apps. This feature alerts the user when certain conditions within the system are met, for example, whenever it identifies a problem or if the system reaches its storage threshold.

This ensures you are always up-to-date and aware of the latest developments in your solar energy supply. Before such apps were available, systems could operate at a reduced capacity or experience severe technical issues for a considerable period before the problems were noticed. Even when it became apparent that there was an issue, locating its exact cause or origins was rarely straightforward.

Remote control reduces costs, and the IoT delivers more data

Apps also enable individuals and project managers to control their energy systems from a distance. This streamlines monitoring and maintenance while also reducing costs. It achieves this by eliminating the need for on-site workers when analysing the system and making small changes. While significant infrastructure issues will always require on-site maintenance, many problems can be fixed (or at least diagnosed) via an energy system monitoring app.

At the same time, apps act as a connector, providing the interface through which devices can interact and exchange information. This will become increasingly important as the Internet of Things (IoT) grows, energy systems expand, and their diverse components communicate more and more data. Soon, every aspect of the energy infrastructure, from production through transport and storage to consumption, will contribute performance data, allowing total control and monitoring via a digital app.

Solar management apps put you in control

Solar energy is an increasingly popular way to power homes and businesses. Understandably, apps that help monitor and improve energy system performance are a valuable asset to those who want to maximise the benefits associated with solar.

Head to i-EM’s renewable solar page or contact our professional and experienced support team to learn more about solar power monitoring solutions. An industry leader in solar energy management, i-EM has the expertise and technology you require to get the most out of solar.

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s-EM provides data analysis for solar

Get the true value of data and use them properly. The suite of i-EM solar solution increase yield and decrease operational costs, maximising performances with different services: power forecast, predictive maintenance, smart monitoring, sensor check, satellite-based plant construction monitoring and UAV data management.

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