Issues related to energy, supply, and costs are becoming increasingly urgent and critical. In a context of global instability marked by crises and conflicts, the energy market is in a phase of significant fluctuation, with prices and industry dynamics strongly influenced by external conditions.
Understanding these dynamics surrounding both renewable and non-renewable energies is crucial for the energy trader, who constantly faces a journey full of challenges and complex.
Speaking of trading can be seen as the famous “hero’s journey” — a context filled with navigation tools and continuous trials. However, realizing that this figure requires proper tools and knowledge to navigate the intricate path of the energy market is of fundamental importance.
Aware of these difficulties, i-EM has developed a system capable of facing the greatest challenge: managing renewable energies.
Given the variable nature of renewable energies, with each day differing from the previous one and weather conditions varying from hour to hour and season to season, managing them is much more complex than forecasting and managing energies from fossil fuels, such as oil or natural gas, which can be easier to store.
The “hero” thus delves into a complex universe, also made up of meticulous regulations that vary between countries and within a complementary energy management that uses both sources.
If we want to stay in the energy mix and understand its use with some data, Eurostat has conducted an interesting study highlighting how, depending on the country, the percentage of use varies significantly. Generally, in 2021, the final gross consumption of renewable energies for the European Union was approximately 20%; this figure varies greatly depending on the nation, with a country like Sweden reaching high peaks of 60%, while in a country like Malta, it drops to about 10%.
The key to mastering the variability linked to the nature of the source lies in the precision and prediction of the data; the trader, with the right tool, can face the challenge of risk thanks to the latest technological solutions that use historical data analysis, understanding load patterns, weather forecasts, satellite observation, and detailed statistics to gain a clearer view of energy dispatch trends.
With t-EM, the solution developed by i-EM, the forecast is reliable, predicting short, medium, and long-term energy generation by zone, energy demand by zone, and macro-zonal imbalance and penalties forecast. A useful solution for both energy trading and network and transmission operators because it predicts and manages the impact of renewable energies on the network, at the level of individual plants for large/significant plants and at the zonal and aggregate levels.

In this screen, the production of the selected renewable energy is highlighted, along with the corresponding accuracy indicators calculated based on measured data.

In this screen, the demand forecast in the Sicily market area is highlighted, along with the corresponding accuracy indicators calculated based on measured data.
In conclusion
i-EM is present at the Enlit Europe fair in Paris, and live demos are available for anyone wishing to delve deeper, personally try this solution, and make the journey towards energy management simpler, verifiable, and secure.
Energy Trading Management, Energy Solutions, Analytics, Data Science, Data Analytics, Data Acquisition, Data Exploration, Solar Forecast, Solar Nowcast, Solar Power Prediction, Grid Management, Smartgrid, Satellite,